We’re here to show you just how beautiful you are

Haute Noir feels EVERY woman should have the opportunity to have a boudoir photography session at least ONCE in their lives! We know being a woman isn’t easy and you should be celebrated for all you do! We want to photograph every woman who’s ever looked into the mirror and felt like they weren’t good enough, every woman which is celebrating an achievement, or any woman which has found love! Whatever your reasons are for wanting a boudoir photography session, we want to make you feel beautiful (because you are)!

Whatever your reason, Haute Noir is here to help you gain confidence, define your own version of beauty, and change your life for the better.

All through genuine self-reflection, a safe, empowering, self-affirming photoshoot experience, and jaw-droppingly beautiful images you’ll cherish forever.

If you don’t always love what you see in the mirror… seeing yourself through our camera’s lens will help you on that self-love journey long after you leave the studio.

A Glimpse of Haute Noir Boudoir's Studio

On your journey to find the ideal DFW boudoir photographer, I’m sure you’ve found that many don’t have dedicated studio spaces. They often shoot out of hotels or even their own homes. 

Haute Noir Boudoir is one of the few that offers a studio that’s entirely dedicated to photography. We offer a safe, private, welcoming environment for you to embrace and uncover your most beautiful, truest self.

Private studio dedicated entirely to professional photography
On-site pro hair & makeup
Premium art albums & products
8+ on-site sets
Professional editing & retouching

Meet the Team

Dennie Turner | Owner/Photographer

Rather than boring you with how I got into photography and my experience, I’d rather answer the question of “Why boudoir photography?”
Have you ever heard the term “Law of Diminishing Returns”? It basically means the more you experience something the less special it can become. EXAMPLE: Your first morning waking up next to the ocean? LIFE CHANGING. Your 100th morning? It’s always there so what’s the big deal? BUT sometimes you have the opposite effect, something that becomes more meaningful the more time you spend with it, this is what boudoir has become. I started doing boudoir for the art (I love the way light softly wraps around curves and the contrast in texture where soft skin meets lace), but after hearing story after story of the impact it made I grew more and more attached to it. It’s uplifting to hear from clients about how they felt empowered, beautiful, and confident after their sessions. And I realized although the images may have been intended to be gifts for significant others, it was also an even bigger gift to themselves!

Jae Sosa Hunter | Hair & Makeup Artist

I started my career as a student at Aveda in their esthetician program, I volunteered for a myriad of fashion shows and began my career as a freelance makeup artist. Through that journey, I met many mentors one of whom was James Ryder. I was chosen to attend one of his boot camps in L.A. & from there I fell in love with editorial work. I began my publication journey and I had the privilege of being showcased in Surreal, wedding publications, international brand work, as well as working alongside Poolside Collection in L.A. & partaking in L.A. fashion week. Today I’m running my beauty studio servicing our local entrepreneurial women of the greater Grapevine, Southlake, Colleyville area as well as local brides.